
Forest Fuels Reduction

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Fire does not need to be catastrophic…

Using low impact techniques, Owl Flats will reduce the available forest fuels on your property and make it so fire is considerably less likely to start on your property and that IF a fire comes through your woods, it won’t burn at catastrophic temperatures.

Conditions in Western Oregon are changing and our forests are no longer as impervious to fire as in the past.

With a small team of workers, chainsaws, handsaws, and more we will very carefully cut and trim the understory focusing on fuel ladders and fire corridors all the while being mindful of the habitat and wildlife.

Depending on site conditions, fuels will either be cut and scattered, chipped, piled into habitat for amphibians or repurposed offsite.

Owl Flats follows the OSU guide to Reducing Fire Risk on Your Forest Property. This guide can be viewed here: